Publish Group on the S2 // Diagnostics Tab

Use the commands in this group to publish analysis results.

Executive Briefing

Publish a Diagnostic Executive Briefing report of the current ribbon view.

Field Description
To Word Publish a Diagnostic Executive Briefing report of the current ribbon view to a Microsoft Word document.
To PDF Publish a Diagnostic Executive Briefing report of the current ribbon view to an Adobe Acrobat document.

To Microsoft Excel

Publish the current ribbon view to a Microsoft Excel report.

Fuse Analyst Report

Publish the current ribbon view, including activity details and control account and work package metrics, to a Microsoft Excel report.

Fuse Summary Metric Report

Publish a summary of all metrics that have the Publish Metric option selected on the Metrics tab. The results are published to a Microsoft Excel workbook and the data for each ribbon view (group of metrics) displays on a separate tab.

In addition to the ribbon view tabs for each group of metrics, this report includes summary tabs based on the metric folder structure of the included metrics. For example, if you set all of the Industry Standards » GAO metrics to be included in the Summary report, the report will include tabs with summary results for each of the GAO metric folders.

All metrics that have the Publish Metric option selected in the relevant Metric form are published.

Fuse Detailed Metric Report

Publish a detailed report of all metrics that have the Publish Metric option selected on the Metrics tab. The results are published to a Microsoft Excel workbook.

Each project has its own tab with control accounts, work packages, and activities listed down the left and all metrics across the top. You can use the Detailed Reports tab in Metrics to specify whether you want a tripped metric to display an X or a specific field value. For example, you can set an activity metric to display an X so that you know it tripped, or you may want to display the budget associated with the activity or control account that caused it to trip. You can set this individually for each metric. When you publish the report, the row directly under the metric and percentage indicates whether the column displays the count or a specific field.

The manual DECM metrics display a -1 value or a -1% (percentage) in gray to indicate that they have not been evaluated.

You can filter by any column on the report. Click the down arrow on the right side of any column and select the data by which you want to filter.

When you select the report, a Detailed Metric Report Options dialog box displays, allowing you to select whether you want to include control accounts and/or work packages and/or activities in the report.

Fuse Metric Validation Report

Publish a detailed validation report of selected metrics (DCMA) from one or more projects or snapshots that includes all of the data considered (Y) that trips a metric (X). You can use this report to verify for each metric that its inclusions and filters are evaluating the data that it should be evaluating.

The report includes a Summary tab with a column count on the far right that displays the metric record count. Each metric has its own tab labeled with the text from the Acumen Metrics tab ID field. The grid columns on the tab are defined in Acumen Metrics on the metric's Define Columns tab and you can use the filter arrows on the column headers to filter the data. The first column is titled Metric Trip and displays TRUE for each record that tripped the metric.

When you select this option, a dialog box displays where you can select the projects or snapshots that you want to use. Next, a Browse for Folder dialog box displays where you select the destination folder. Results are published to a separate Excel workbook for each project. All metrics that have the Publish Metric option selected on the Metrics tab in Acumen are published.

Fuse Metric History Report

Publish a detailed history report of selected metrics (DCMA) that shows the metrics vertically and the history of results for snapshots as columns so you can see months/years of data.

The report includes the metric ID and name as well as the values for all included snapshots of the project being reported. Scenarios are not included in the report.

When you select this option in the menu, a dialog box displays so that you can select the project you want to use. You can run the report for one project at a time and the results are published to a Microsoft Excel workbook. All metrics that have the Publish Metric option selected on the Metrics tab in Acumen are published.

  • A red cell with a T (true), number, or percentage indicates that the metric failed.
  • A green cell with an F (false), number, or percentage indicates that the metric did not fail.
  • A gray cell with -, 0, 1%, or -1% indicates that the data that was needed for the evaluation wasn't available. The metric didn't pass or fail - it wasn't even evaluated.
  • The X and % columns are the results for the Primary and Secondary formulas respectively. This is the same data that you see on the S2 // Diagnostics tab

Deltek wInsight Analytics

Publish all metrics that have the Publish Metric option selected on the Metrics tab for import into wInsight. The file saves as a Deltek Cost Data Exchange File (.dcde). You can use this data in wInsight to display a dashboard with drilldown capability from control account to work package to activity.

All metrics that have the Publish Metric option selected in the relevant Metric view are published.

Metrics to a Deltek Data Source

Export all metrics (DCMA and other metrics) that have the Publish Metric option selected on the Metrics tab into a Deltek database. This is helpful when you want to share your results with other people. When you select this option, a dialog box displays where you select the project and the data source. You can add a data source on the Deltek Acumen Options dialog box Platforms (Deltek) page.

Copy to Clipboard

Copy a portion of the screen as an image. Select from the following options:
  • All
  • Intersection Chart
  • Phase Chart
  • Ribbon Chart
  • Activity Browser

Create Custom Reports

Develop custom reports for third-party applications using the Deltek Acumen API.